Dad's long fight with cancer has come to an end. He passed away last night in peace. The room was filled with the kind of wonderful quiet he always loved. Dad was surrounded by loved ones who whispered beautiful things to him when all he had could do was listen. I held him and told him what a brave man, beautiful person and wonderful father he has been.
Dad asked me to carry out his final wishes. One of them is that there will be a grand wake. We will all mourn his passing. But Dad wanted us to celebrate all the beauty there is in life.
I will share the arrangements and details with you on this web log as soon as I can. Feel free to leave a comment for all, but you can also email me at
Dear James and Coleman family menbers (which includes his close friends),
I want to thank you for surrounding Greg with such love, especially during the last stretch of his fight. Thank you Greg for fighting, you granted me the privilege of knowing you. Our relationship has been so special to me. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer--that you would bring Greg peace and comfort during his transition to you. "For to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord." I will see you again my friend.
David Osborn
you are in a better place now, you can enjoy the music of the heavens. I will always play the first song you taught me by tarrega (Estudio en EM) in your honor. Your pain and suffering is over and you are still with us in spirit and memory. I will miss your classes and lectures that you had Saddleback and all of the conversations we had on Paco de Lucia, Spain, and Flamenco guitar. You will be missed maestro, but NEVER forgotten.
To the Coleman family, my thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to you and yours. Thank you for having this wonderful site for the Maestro.
"We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds."
-Anton Chekov
Peace Love Respect
Juben Rabbani
My deepest
sympathy I
want to send to all
the Coleman
family.Greg was such an
to all of us. His music brightens
our lives
and hearts!
James I want to thank you
for creating
this blog!
You have
been a
son! LOVE.
Aunt Mary
As I played Lagrima this morning I thought of you greg and all you meant to me.I'll see you again Maestro!!!
James - I glad that your dad died in peace knowing the Jesus was with him.
Dearest James -
With great sorrow and relief the Walsh family acknowleges the peaceful passing of a wonderful man, father, musician and friend. Gregory will be in our thoughts and prayers forever. The most wonderful aspect of him is the circle of life and friends that he established and I hope to be able to keep that circle alive and active. I also want to let you know how impressive it was to see the love you had for your father displayed daily in the beautiful manner in which you cared for him... thank you. PLease keep us informed if there is anything you need - including some soothing lasagna. Yours in faith, music and love, The Walsh Family
Dear James-
My deepest condolences to all of your family and friends of Greg's alike. I know that your Dad certainly enjoyed keeping close to everyone via this wonderful weblog. Thank you for bringing such a special way of communicating to Greg's circle of friends, and fan club.
I'm so glad to know that Greg had such beautiful, supportive and dear people in his life. I will miss Greg very much. I hadn't seen him in over 10 years, but his musical influence and friendship has touched my heart forever.
God bless you all, and I wish you peace and comfort always.
With love,
Jennifer Helfer
Dear Coleman Family,
Though none of you know me Greg was my first (and so far only) guitar instructor. Though I never made it much past beginner, I treasure the memories I have of the lessons we had in the little studio at Shade Tree. I will always remember the fun we had playing Crossroads together.
Greg has been in my prayers regularly the last few months as I imagined him coming to the end of a difficult journey. I am truly saddened by his passing but certainly enriched for having known him. I know he is in a better place now and that God is smiling on him.
My condolences to you all for the loss you must bear.
Greg, I will enjoy your music and your memory as long as I live.
With Love,
Gary Geil
To Jennifer Helfer.:
I have a great picture of Gregory sitting on your lap circa Christmas 1989. I recently showed him the picture and he had a laugh out of it. If you would like a copy email me at:
To Gregory's family and friends: I incorrectly left my September 17th message (after learning that morning of his death from my sister Samirah) on the DEDICATION page. Please find it there.
My family members (except Samirah) gathered to honor my Mother as written. We spoke of Gregory and recalled times we spent with him and enjoyed him and his inspired music.
Our sincere condolences on the loss of your wonderful father, son, grandfather, and friend.
Majda and sisters
Dear James,
When I think of your dad, I remember most, the things we spoke about completely unrelated to my playing the guitar poorly. During dinners together or traveling in the car, we shared a few side-splitting situations, ridiculous experiences and some touching memories. I will always remember his vivid description of what he looked and felt like after five days climbing El Capitan. I picture his playing several antique musical instruments on stage for the entire student body at Savanna High School as his contribution to their knowledge of early California history. His wonderful, giving and warm nature is most evident in you James. Thank you for making Greg's passing so peaceful and loving.
"Death is the starlit strip between the companionship of yesterday and the reunion of tomorrow."
-Clara Clemens
"Is there no way to make
The past the present
To wind and unwind it
Like a ball of yarn?" Ariwara Narihira
I remember a Xmas many years ago in Laguna, with you James, and your brother Shiloh. Greg played the guitar; Pam told tales of her latest adventures and travels; my father told bad jokes and served killer eggnog that would inebriate after three sips; my mother teased everyone and passed one deadly dessert after another; Wave fell off the roof dressed as Santa; and, Alida made quips about it. Four of that party are now gone, and partying elsewhere. It was good then, it is good now because we can still laugh at the memories of those good times.
You done good James, Patomie, Pam, care-givers all---some of the finest loving we ever saw launch a friend into the next beginning. The notes still made beautiful music together.
Blessed Be, Debbie Laughton
Dear Greg and the Coleman Family
Greg, I can't tell you how much you've touched my life. I'll never forget those happy days at Coffee Talk, or the Alta, or Borders, sipping coffee, chatting with friends and enjoying your spirit and your music. You taught me not only how to play "real" guitar, but also how to enjoy life and I truly thank you for that. You will be greatly missed, though I am comforted by all of the wonderful memories I have of you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care friend,
Ryan Benz
Dear Cousin Gregory:
This is written by your cousin, Kathy (Wigg) O'Brien, who you never really knew, just as I never really knew you. Although I will call your son and his family tomorrow and come to your wake this weekend, I am posting this to your blog as a tribute to you, and as a cautionary tale to anyone who might be holding back from knowing and loving their family: Don't wait; know your family and love them now --- don't wait!
Even though your mother and my father are brother and sister, and even though we were born within two months of each other in the San Fernando Valley, we grew up estranged from each other because of family politics. I wish it had been otherwise, because now when I read about you on this website, I can see the roots of so much of my own personality that have never made much sense to me before. Now I have an inkling as to where my passion for music comes from, as well as a tender heart and a deep appreciation for family. (Maybe THAT'S why I bought a ukulele in Hawaii this last visit!)
I grew up only hearing about you and your brother "Stuie", wishing I had real cousins to play with. Now, after reading about you and getting to know your family through this website, I think we would have had an awful lot to share. You were an exceptional person, Gregory, and I will never forget that I missed the opportunity to know you. I will meet you in Heaven (or wherever), and I hope you will teach me how to play this damned ukulele!
With love and remembrance,
Your cousin Kathy
Dearest family and friends of Maestro Greg Coleman,
I feel like we all have a hidden treasure in Greg that the rest of the world missed out on. We are all so fortunate to know someone so special that we can miss him this much and mourn him this much.
I am sure that everyone who has had the pleasure of knowing Greg would agree that he is someone who will never dissapoint us or let us down. What a sharp contrast with most artists and celebrities the rest of the world has witnessed these days.
I met him Sept 17, 1975 almost exctly 30 years ago and studied with him for 3 years. I thought I appreciated him a lot back then but time has only made me appreciate him more. In all of this time, I have never been able to pick up my classical guitar or work on a transcription without flashing on different memories of Greg and that great laugh of his. Thankfully, those flashes will never stop.
We should all hope that in our lifetime, we can inspire the love and devotion from our families and friends that he does.
With much love and respect,
Colgan Bryan
PS: I hope you can understand why I choose to talk about him in the present tense. A teacher and friend like like this can never stop being a special part of my life.
Tonight, the night before the celebration for Greg, I was in a choral rehearsal. We were learning a gem of a little piece, whose text made me think of Greg and all of you who cared about him. The way it was set to music is absolutely gorgeous and just printing it here doesn't do it justice. It is from Longfellow's "The Day is Done".
And the night shall be filled with music
And the cares that infest the day
shall fold their tents,
and silently steal away.
The music Greg gave us, and all of his love will live on and on.
Marcia Smith Hill
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!
Mary Frye (1932)
I just found out about Greg's passing last night. I am now only just beginning to come to terms with it. I did an internet search today to find out more and happened upon this site. Though I am at work, my eyes are tearful--I have no where to hide this emotion now that it's come. I was at his benefit last year and I did not get a chance to say hi-- only to pass my well-wishes and thoughts to James to relay. I had not seen Greg since August of 2001 when he played at my wedding which was such a tremendous and special honor. I wish I had another moment to spend with Greg--another note to enjoy. John Lennon wrote "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans." I guess that my point is that even if I had been out of touch, he was still in my heart and I thought of him often. I recall following him to as many gigs as I could see him perform at while I was attending Saddleback College (for five years). I felt like his groupy following him to Borders, Amsterdam, Renaissance, Alta, some little Italian place, Diedrichs, Coffee Tok...His playing so enthralled me and his music moved me. I should have been practicing guitar instead of watching him and I probably would have done much better in his classes! But I'm glad I was there all those times.
Thank you, Greg for the memories, inspiration, smiles, and music. Thank you for playing at my wedding-- that wink you gave when I was waiting for my bride and you played my favorite, Liedig Meadow and eased my anxiousness. I will always celebrate your music and remember your spirit fondly.
Ryan Rodriguez
San Francisco
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